On-Farm Experimentation 6 principles - (c) Myrtille Lacoste 2022
An innovation process

Building fit-for-purpose farming systems, collaboratively

Changing how we produce knowledge

Agriculture is at the heart of the world greatest problems, from hunger and poverty to climate change and environmental damages. To solve these problems we need to think together.
However, fractures endure, notably between scientists and farmers. Both hold different types of knowledge that must build on each other.

Farmer-centric On-Farm Experimentation, or “OFE”, is a practical way of bringing people together to find solutions by exploring and testing possibilities in real farming conditions.

OFE gives farmers, scientists and other agricultural partners the chance to learn from each other by explaining how they got to their own conclusions – which is the key to innovate and support positive change.

>> OFE in 2 min
MAK’IT | Montpellier University

OFE is emerging, or re-emerging, all over the world. However communities often remain disconnected and lack support.
I help build bridges across the great diversity of OFE situations. For this, I am reaching out to varied scientific disciplines to help clarifying what OFE is, and what strategies would be most effective for individuals and institutions to support its deployment and growth worldwide. 


>> Lacoste M, et al. (2022) On-Farm Experimentation to transform global agricultureNature Food
>> On-Farm Experimentation: a global movement to accelerate the transformation of agriculture, INRAE
>> Australian-led study finds harvesting knowledge can transform world agriculture, Curtin University
>> More news & press releases
>> Proceedings of #OFE2021, the 1st International Conference on Farmer-centric On-Farm Experimentation
>> 4-min recordings, webinars, live sessions – #OFE2021 #DigitAg channel, YouTube

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